Forbes reveals Craig Wright: Whether he is Satoshi Nakamoto is no longer important
Forbes exposes Craig Wright: Whether he is Satoshi Nakamoto is no longer important$SOL
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The real question is whether the nearly 4,000 patents he controls or has pending will force programmers around the world to stop using open source software.
By Michael del Castillo
Compiled by: 0x11, Foresight News
In the fall of 2012, long before most of the world had heard of Craig Wright, the Australian computer scientist quietly filed his first patent related to the newly created Bitcoin, which was then worth only $10. The next year, an exchange called Coinbase raised $5 million to "make Bitcoin more accessible to the average consumer." A year later, in 2014, Bitcoin Magazine co-founder Vitalik Buterin published a paper describing a new blockchain called Ethereum and praising Bitcoin's pseudonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, for breakthroughs in cryptography.