
♠️ 1000SHIBUSDT trading signal

🟢 Bullish signal

Current price: 0.01695

Recommended strategy:

1. Entry: Long with a small position near 0.01695

2. Stop loss: 0.01637 (-3.42%)

3. Target:

- 0.01729 (+2.01%)

- 0.01759 (+3.78%)

- 0.01820 (+7.37%)

Main observation points:

1. The current price is in an upward trend, breaking through the previous resistance

2. There are many long orders near 0.01697 and 0.01759

3. 0.01637 below is an important support, with a large number of long orders


1. Use small positions to control risks

2. Pay attention to the 0.01697 resistance level, which may trigger a short-term correction

3. Stop loss immediately if it falls below the 0.01637 support level

4. There is great resistance in the 0.01759-0.01820 range, pay attention to stop profit in batches

5. Pay close attention to SHIB-related news and overall crypto market trends


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