W/a scammers

It took me 2 months to gather informations which I’m sharing with all of you today. Hope you’ll read and acknowledge how to protect yourself and people around you.

My journey- mid of July I’m getting invitation to join w/a group called “Binance DiFi mining 15” impersonating Binance team.

I accepted invitation. Being curious as I am, started to scroll and see what is it all about. I’m finding out it’s invitation for joining DiFi liquidity pool USDTs. Can’t see any members of the group except admins which is a few of them so-called “analyst Tom” , “assistant Jenny” and some more, but still I can see posts of certain #members. “Assistant Jenny” provides table of content and announcement that each day different batch of members will be allowed to “talk” and if anyone is interested to join this “great project” should contact her privately for assistance. The red flag is there but I want to find out more. I DM her and I’m getting precise instructions how to join DiFi pool. Instructions are going as followed step by step: download trust wallet (if you don’t have one), transfer your funds from Binance, provide your wallet address to be rewarded with 10 - 20$ BNB, address of pool is provided to you, once you are there accept connect wallet and wait for your income next day. All goes smoothly. I participated with the minimum amount. Next day my income arrives but I need to collect it. Once you collect your daily income it’s added to your initial wallet funds so you are earning more. Longer you stay, higher income you are rewarded. I’m witnessing in the w/a group how people transferring thousands of USDTs to their wallets, some even more than hundred thousand and wonder if this is for real. Next day I received income again. I collected and it’s really on my wallet. At that point I decided to transfer all the funds from my wallet back to binance and get out of the game. I had permanently deleted my wallet but I’m still in the group, following what’s going on.

Initially project should last for a month. As a due date approaching assistant jenny post that difi will continue since is still in high yield and airdrops will be distributed as per “higher funds higher airdrop “. People in the group frantically transferring more funds to wallets. I’m taking my chances to warn some of the members whose posts I can see, but they don’t trust me and believe that project is perfect to earn passive income. It was going on until September 5th when w/a group is deactivated.

I guess it all went downhill and their wallets had been emptied.

#stsysafe #beaware #scammers