The ancient whale that received 242,653 $ETH distributed by the RSS contract in 2016, allegedly sold 6093 ETH 40 minutes ago, about 16.18 million US dollars🙌

RSS contract is a smart contract used to split ETH and ETC assets during the ETH hard fork; then the whale transferred 174,000 tokens to the address 0xa0e...c4409, all of which have been recharged to the exchange, and a total of 17,190 ETH were sold in the past three months

Interestingly, the address seems to be related to the Ethereum Foundation. After receiving the ETH distributed by the RSS contract, it transferred 0.01 ETH to the foundation address 0xCcd...DbA88🤔

RSS receiving address 0xcA92BC1ff0c0681a1dac4BaaF79CD489Baf9710a

Deposit address 0xDB39644409d139842679a2993cb8A545c2Fd1fAC