$DOGS An important reminder to everyone who is considering buying #DOGS at current zone ...
I know everyone is in doubt whether they should hold or buy people who are here for long term could hold but those who wanna trade and scalp to increasing the returns ...Don't buy here ,as there is no positive news ,no updates from dogs team ....so let's wait as team has released there last date to claim and that's 18th of September and I think they may bring some events after that which could be burning or whatever ..but sure after that we can see some really good signs of breaking ath... so wait right now don't listen to my influencer shouting to buy buy and showing charts with some indicators that might look positive and it ain't work like that...they are doing that so they can make some profit with their high leverage ...So it would be better to wait till it form a strong floor #bitcoin #BTC #ETH #Binance