On the Ethereum blockchain, the 0x team has created a standard protocol that allows for the exchange of tokens and the construction of new decentralized apps (dApps). Because they keep an off-chain order book and can charge transactions fee (or other fees) for their services, these new initiatives built on top of the 0x protocol are known as relayers.

Augur, Status, district0x, Dharma, Blocknet, Request Network, and a slew of other projects have already opted to build atop 0x.

The 0x protocol, being a decentralized exchange, is free of the drawbacks that come with centralized exchanges. While centralized exchanges offer the ease of use, high-performance trading, and advanced tools, they also have a number of drawbacks, such as security failures (the middleman can be hacked, shut down, or run away with customers' funds), downtime (due to hikes or high traffic spikes), and various fees.

Decentralized exchanges, in this sense, eliminate the requirement for trust by allowing anyone to trade on the Ethereum blockchain without having to deposit money via a central entity.

Untrustworthy situations have their own set of difficulties and drawbacks. Decentralized exchanges have certain drawbacks, including the fact that every new transaction or alteration must be validated on the blockchain, which may be costly and time-consuming.

By integrating off-chain ordering relays with on-chain settlements, the 0x protocol tries to address these inefficiencies. This implies that users can push an order off the blockchain to be filled by another user, and only value orders are processed on-chain, saving users money on gas fees. It's just a more secure, less expensive, and faster way for consumers to exchange ERC20 tokens.

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