Based on the provided chart for 1000SATS/USDT, the current price is $0.0002921, reflecting a 2.41% drop in the last 24 hours. The price recently tested the low at $0.0002884 but has shown some recovery. There is clear selling pressure, but the market has found temporary support around this level.

The resistance is currently near $0.0002994, which represents the recent peak. If the price can break above $0.0002959, there could be potential to retest this resistance. However, if the price remains below the key levels, further downward movement could occur, retesting the support near $0.0002884 or lower.

Traders should closely monitor the price action around $0.0002959 and $0.0002884 for any signs of breakouts. A break above $0.0002959 could trigger long trades with targets at $0.0002994, while a drop below $0.0002884 might open short opportunities.

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