Guys I'm going to give you some tips about trading specially future

1 .. No one knows the exact next move of BTC and if anybody says that he knows he's lying. Because crypto market depends upon few main factors which includes volume, market cap, coin supply, main incident across the globe and other things.

2 .. never invest your main balance in crypto always go with money which you can bear to loose. I know this is abnormal thought but this is it.

3.. never join paid crypto signal providing groups. People running these groups are not acknowledged in crypto than you.just difference between you and them is that they are smart and you are not as compared to them

4.. before going to future trade go for a trade with your 7-12% portfolio . For example if you have 1000$ then trade with 70$ or maximum with 120$. Not more than this. Although greediness will insist you to increase volume but this increasing can make you liquidate that's bad thing possible in future trading.

5.. always use stop lose and gain profit price

6.. last but not least if you get lose any day don't try to recover it that day because that time you become nervous and this nervesness can lead to more loss

Be happy and profitable 🌹🌹