What is Binance Copy Trading?
Copy trading is a feature on the Binance platform that allows “copy” traders to automatically follow and replicate the trades of successful “master traders”. Simply put, copy traders link their accounts to those of master traders, and when the master trader opens or closes a trade, the trade is automatically copied to the copy accounts.
Binance Copy Trading is a feature that allows users to copy the trading strategies of other traders on the Binance platform, especially professional and experienced traders, known as “master traders”. Through this feature, users can monitor and replicate the trades made by these traders in real time, allowing them to benefit from their experience and successful strategies without the need to have deep knowledge or experience in the field of trading.
How does copy trading work on Binance step by step
Binance Copy Trading is the process of automatically following the trades of professional traders on the platform. Here is a detailed explanation of how this process works:
Selecting Key Traders
Copiers start by searching for key traders they want to copy. They can search for key traders based on different criteria such as:
Past Performance
Trading Strategies
Portfolio Risks
Trading Volume
Number of Followers
Copy Fees
It is important to do thorough research on each master trader before choosing them.