According to TechFlow, Telegram founder Pavel Durov issued a statement revealing that he was questioned by police in Paris for four days last month because the French authorities did not receive a response from Telegram.
Durov expressed surprise, saying Telegram has official representatives in the EU to handle requests and that French authorities have multiple ways to contact him. He believes it is too simplistic to hold individuals accountable for platform abuse.
Durov stressed that Telegram has been committed to communicating with regulators to find a balance between privacy and security. If no agreement can be reached, Telegram is ready to withdraw from the relevant market, as it has done in Russia and Iran before.
Durov acknowledged that Telegram is not perfect and that its surge to 950 million users has caused some problems.
He promised to work on improving the platform's security and said he would share more details soon. In the end, Durov hoped that this incident would make Telegram and the entire social network industry safer and stronger.