After Binance left the Russian Federation, some users switched to new platforms instead of the alternative in the form of the CommEX exchange. At the same time, overall trade activity in the country decreased significantly. Kommersant reports this.

In a conversation with the publication, Satoshkin CEO Dmitry Stepanin said that the P2P segment suffered the most. According to professional traders, the volume of peer-to-peer transactions has decreased by 10-30%.

According to P2P.Army, at the beginning of 2023, the number of active ruble P2P orders on Binance reached 7,700. By the summer, the figure dropped to 6,300, and in September - to 3,400.

Stepanin added that first of all, users are switching to Bybit, which “has been very active in marketing recently.” Huobi, Bitget, KuCoin, also record an influx of new clients from Russia.

“There are a very large number of users from the Russian Federation registered on Binance. But everyone will have a personal choice: join us or try their luck with another platform,” said CommEX CEO Anton Toroptsev.