As Fed officials continued to speak publicly, the market's nervousness over high interest rates eased, and U.S. stocks rose at the opening.

Although the relationship between U.S. stocks and the crypto market has been decoupled before, the rise and fall of U.S. stocks can also reflect the overall investment sentiment. Often when most U.S. stocks rise, the crypto market may rise slightly.

However, according to the current global economic tensions and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, more people and more funds may choose to stay away from the venture capital market and enter the fixed income market. The sentiment in the investment market is low, the funds are less, and the remaining funds , if you choose a variety in the investment market, more likely to choose the stock market instead of the crypto market.

If the global economic sentiment cannot be relaxed, it is estimated that the liquidity of the crypto market may become even lower in the future without major positive stimulation, and may even be so low that whether interest rates are raised or not will not cause much fluctuation.

At this time, the relationship with the U.S. stock market has become inverse. When there are less funds in the investment market, the income from the U.S. stock market will rise the better, which may have a certain blood-sucking effect on the encryption market.

It’s difficult. How long will this market continue to be shaken?