How to deposit assets to dappOS?

BENQI Liquidity Market

1. Supply

Select token -> Enter the deposit amount -> Click "Deposit". 

2. Claim Rewards

Go to BENQI Liquid Market -> "Rewards" to claim any generated rewards

Checking the box to swap $QI into $AVAX for reward-claiming

Rewards will be claimed to  dappOS,  check your balance in the upper left corner. Click "withdraw" for further operations under "Withdraw" in dappOS wallet.

3. Borrow

Go to "Markets" - "Borrow", select the token you want to borrow -> Enter the amount

Choose dappOS Wallet as recipient address to use borrowed assets.

Note: The amount borrowed cannot exceed the Borrowed Limit. Borrowed Limit can be increased by collaterazing more

4. Repay

Go to "Market" - "Borrow" -> Repay 

Enter the repay amount -> Click "Repay".

Note: Debt can only be paid off in full when you click MAX in Outstanding Loan.  Previously collateralized token can only be fully WITHDRAWN after the debt is paid.

5 . Repay

BENQI Liquid Staking

1. Stake

 Users can stake $AVAX and receive $sAVAX

2. Unstake

Unstake $sAVAX and claim $AVAX

a. Submit Unstake Request

Under "Unstake", enter the unstake amount -> click "Unstake".

Note: Orders can be viewed under “Unstake requests”. The unstake request has a 15-day cooling-off period, and can be cancelled at any time during the 15 days

3. Tip:How to boost your yields: Recursive Staking with one click

Background:  Users can stake $AVAX and receive $sAVAX, $sAVAX can be also supplied to earn additional yields on BENQI. 

As sAVAX can be used as a collateral, you can get even higher APY by repeating the following 3 steps:

1) Borrow $AVAX on BENQI Liquidity Market

2) Stake $AVAX & receive $sAVAX on BENQI Liquid Staking

3) Supply $sAVAX on BENQI Liquidity Market

Manually, it would be complicated to take 20+ steps to get the highest APY. Now, powered by dappOS V2, you can complete it with basically one click, by simply following:

Enter deposit amount -> Adjust Execution counts (Max 5) -> Adjust Borrowing ratio by sliding the slider bar -> Click "Execute"

Note: "Enable supply sAVAX to BENQI” is checked by default,  meaning that all the $sAVAX in your dappOS Wallet will be deposited into BENQI Liquid Market 

The process of Recursive Staking with start along with the amount of $AVAX input 

Execution counts(Max 5) determines how many times the process will repeat