[Over Protocol will launch a closed Beta test network, and about 1,000 users can participate🎉] According to official news, the lightweight node protocol Over Protocol will launch a closed beta test network from 14:00 on October 25, 2023 to 14:00 on October 31, 2023 Beta test network, open to approximately 1,000 users. Testing will be conducted on a personal computer through the OverNode application, including installation, activation, staking, verification and reporting of issues, and is intended to be a stress test before the launch of the public incentivized test network for global users. Specific details of the test will be announced in the test community on October 20, and the application time will be approximately 14:00 on October 16. It is worth noting that users participating in the closed beta test will not receive airdrops. What do you think of the prospects of this project? Welcome to chat in the comment area~ #blockchainnews# #publicchain# #litenodeprotocol#