Galaxy Digital: Durov's arrest will not be the last such incident
The arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov is the first major arrest of a company executive "for failing to sufficiently control his platform."
According to analysts, the team and Durov most likely resisted requests from the French authorities to remove or provide information.
The blockchain associated with the messenger has more than 350 validators around the world, but it is unclear how many of them, if any, Telegram uses. For this reason, it is unknown "to what extent TON will be resilient if France or other countries try to 'attack' or 'destroy' it as part of Durov's arrest."
On Polymarket, Durov's chances of being released from custody by the end of August are estimated at 39%. The total betting volume reaches $600,164.
Recall that the community came out in support of the Telegram founder after his arrest.
Earlier, the Paris Tribunal explained the measures against Pavel Durov by a large-scale investigation into cybercrimes, including the illegal provision of cryptographic services and tools.