$DOGS Price Prediction Post Pavel Durov Arrest
Given the current market dynamics and the unfolding situation with Pavel Durov, the price of DOGS Token could move in either direction depending on community response and broader market conditions.
Ultimately, the direction DOGS Token takes will hinge on community sentiment and market conditions at the time of listing. While the initial listing price of $0.001 is plausible, the token's journey post-listing remains unpredictable, with both risks and opportunities lying ahead.
Whether $DOGS emerges as a success story or faces challenges in the wake of Durov's arrest will depend on how the community and the broader market respond in the coming days.
Potential Price Dump Due to Uncertainty
Without clear direction and the influential presence of Pavel Durov, the DOGS Token could face selling pressure from the community.
Those who received tokens through the airdrop might be inclined to sell off their holdings, leading to a potential price dump. This could cause the token's price to drop