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Introducing the Saga Liquidity Integration Layer

Saga’s Liquidity Integration Layer introduces automatic composability into the Saga ecosystem. When a developer launches a fresh new chainlet, it will automatically be connected to the LIL. Through the LIL, this fresh chainlet will have immediate access to tokens, services, and applications on other chainlets as well as other ecosystems outside of Saga.

The LIL is a combination of four innovative products:

Automatic bridges from the LIL to every chainlet

A router that determines a canonical hub for all liquidity to route through

Packet-forwarding middleware that automates routing

Hooks to enable cross-chain smart contract calls

By combining these four products, the Liquidity Integration Layer enables developers to:

Bring in USDC, SAGA or ETH into the developer’s chainlet

Mint a token on a chainlet and, using a simple command, bridge the token to a DEX, swap to another token, and bridge the swapped token back into the developer’s chainlet

Mint an NFT on a chainlet and, using a single API, PM move the NFT to an NFT marketplace and list the NFT for sale

Even though developers deploy on their own chainlet, the LIL grants automatic access to applications on every other chain and ecosystem. Through the LIL, developers can finally choose both composability AND scalability.

The Liquidity Integration Layer is designed such that:

All infrastructure is automatically provisioned and immediately available

Routing messages from chainlets through the Liquidity Integration Layer and back is automatically managed

The developer can interact with a unified and simple API / UX to access the Liquidity Integration Layer

Cross-chain execution enables composable applications across the Saga ecosystem

Let’s dive deeper into the various innovations that enable the Saga Liquidity Integration Layer.

Saga Liquidity Integration Layer Innovations

First Innovation: Automatic bridge deployment

Easy access to liquidity depends on an automatic setup of bridging infrastructure.