The key decision before the big bull market: hold on or sell at a loss?

If we look at it from the perspective of the bull and bear stages, we are now in the middle of the fourth bull market in the cryptocurrency circle.

A 4-year cycle, a 3-year bear market, and a 1-year bull market. In a 1-year bull market, the first 8 months are basically a slow wash-out decline.

The next 2 months are a rush, and the last 2 months are a peak.

Strictly speaking, the bull market started in December 23. So now is the interruption of the bull market. There are still about 6 months of bull market. The real outbreak period has not yet come.

Before the arrival of the big bull market, the dealer may create enough market fluctuations to force retail investors to sell at a loss and strive for more chips.

The basic logic of the market is: in the absence of large fluctuations, retail investors will not actively chase up or sell at a loss.

Therefore, before the Federal Reserve confirms the interest rate cut on September 19, the market may experience extreme pressure.

At this time, it is particularly important to hold your chips firmly. After a long bear market, don't give up easily on the eve of the upcoming bull market.

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