When creating a cryptocurrency, it is important to first determine whether you want to have a coin or a token. The former uses its own blockchain, while the latter is based on a pre-existing network.
According to the Binance website, creating a cryptocurrency requires a large team of developers and experts; while creating a token requires technical knowledge, but it is possible to create it in minutes through the use of other blockchains such as Ethereum or BNB, which are the most popular.
The costs of creation, the time required and the use of manpower will depend on whether you choose to make a virtual currency or a token. In the latter case, you can also use an established code to create tokens or pay to use a coin creation service.
It is important to know that before creating a cryptocurrency, its usefulness and legal status must be considered.
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If you choose to create a cryptocurrency, then you must choose a blockchain, then you must make a plan according to the operation and functionality of the blockchain to design the nodes and the interface.