[Dogecoin NFT community installs Kabuso dog statue in Japan]

The PleasrDAO NFT community, in partnership with the Sakura City Government, will unveil a statue commemorating Kabuso on November 2, the dog’s birthday, at Sakura City’s Kuri Plaza, where Kabuso and his owner often walk.

Last year, Kabuso's fans erected this statue in her honor and hope to send it to the moon in the future. At the event, participants will be able to interact with Sato and receive special benefits based on their NFT.

PleasrDAO is a group of NFT enthusiasts. They not only invest in precious NFTs, but are also committed to cultivating communities such as Own The Doge. With the concept of "just do good things every day", they wholeheartedly support charity. Own The Doge is also producing a documentary about Kabuso and the origins of the "Doge" meme.

The Doge meme started in 2010, when Atsuko Sato shared a photo of her dog Kabuso. Its popularity went viral after John Monarch shared the image on Reddit and named it "doge."

#NFT #鴉快訊 $DOGE