Each season has a different way of playing!

Looking back at previous cycles, the way MMs play during the bull run season will be a deep dump, then pull BTC to break ATH, Dom up very high at about 70%, then release Dom for Altcoin to fly, and when the bull run season peaks, Dom will return to about 40%. That's the past, guys, if that were the case, everyone here would have eaten it all. After scooping up BTC, waiting for Dom to go up to 70, selling the XXX/BTC pair for xnxx times the account, ez game.

This season is completely different from previous seasons, guys, when BTC was approved for ETF, there was the participation of the world's leading funds and their capital was calculated in billions of dollars. ETF is essentially a closed-end fund, the fund buys BTC and then issues securities to investors. So the Funds in the fund do not change, and usually the fund will issue securities and then sit and manage and take fees. With the nature of ETFs being bare-handed, they will not sell BTC to the market unless there is a strong fluctuation that requires them to restructure to minimize risks. If they buy more, they will have to set up a new fund. So in the previous post, I said that BTC is now a game of Wall Street, it will not fluctuate too much, will maintain the price and only fluctuate slightly, BTC is always unpredictable.

So this season, Dom will not be able to increase too much >70% anymore, because now there are the Four Kings: BTC, BNB, ETH, SOL. BTC will have to share Dom with 3 younger brothers. Currently, Dom at 57% is quite high, the peak of BTC dom, guys. According to my calculations, the bull run will start in the second half of September, with the total of 3 will be around 1.6T, the peak, how long the timing will last, we will have to observe more.

Comment on the coin and the position you are holding, I will see which one runs first, which one runs later for you guys!

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