🚀 The GOMBLE team is launching the final OG Spaceship in collaboration with Magic Eden.
**What is an OG Spaceship NFT?**
OG Spaceships are a unique NFT collection, celebrating the 100 ancestors who first arrived on Earth. Only 100 NFTs are available:
- ⚡️ 10 Alpha
- ⚡️ 20 Bravo
- ⚡️ 30 Charlie
- ⚡️ 40 Delta (reserved for the team)
**Auction Results:**
- **1st Auction:** Raised 1,011.28 $BNB (approximately $609,175)
- **2nd Auction:** Raised 42.27 $ETH (approximately $126,682)
**New Auction Format (Upcoming):**
🔄 The final auction will use a raffle system. Here’s how it works:
- 🔄 Boarding pass costs 0.001 ETH, and users can buy unlimited passes.
- 🔄 10,000 raffle tickets will win a share of the 300k $G rewards pool.
- 🔄 OG Spaceship winners can mint 5 SpaceKids NFTs.
- 🔄 $G Airdrop
**Partner Collaborations:**
✅ This OG Spaceship Raffle is designed for a smooth user experience, thanks to the collaboration between Base, Magic Eden, and Supra.
- **Magic Eden:** Ensuring seamless NFT issuance and secondary trading.
- **Supra VRF:** Conducting the raffle on the Base chain, guaranteeing fairness by generating random numbers on-chain.
**Social Links:**
- 🐣 [Play Egg Drop](https://t.me/EggDrop_GombleBot/app)
- ✈️ [Telegram](https://t.me/officialgomble)
- 🏴☠️ [Treasure Hunt](https://gomble.io/treasurehunt)
- 🐦 [Twitter](https://twitter.com/gomblegames)
- 👾 [Discord](https://discord.gg/gomblegames)
- 🕹 [Play Games on PlayStore (Android) & AppStore (iOS)]