#Zksync is heating up ahead of the #Airdrop. Let's go through a few criteria to strengthen your wallets.
I. Conditions#Zksynera
1. Use Main Bridge to transfer assets from Ethereum to#ZkSyncera- Minimum volume 100$
2. Trade on the Zksync era network for at least 2/6/9 different months
3. Minimum trading volume of $5000 on#ZkSyncera
4. Providing liquidity on#ZkSyncera: The criteria for providing liquidity is very important, you can also provide liquidity for 1 large order and unlock it after 24 hours, while small orders can stay until#Airdropor support the project.
Conditions are similar to the#Zksyncera, however you can limit Volum and tx, because the#Litenetwork has price fluctuations and gas fees are quite high.
In addition, there are currently about 5M wallets participating on the#ZkSyncnetwork, the competition rate will be higher. Below are some additional factors you can refer to.
1. Own#NFTNetwork Domain #Zksync
2. Buy and sell#NFTon#Marketplaceplatforms
There are a number of platforms to check volume and trade, you can see the checking pages below 👇👇👇