The pie retreated from its highest point, and the cake bucked the trend and rose. If you know how to buy, you are an apprentice, but if you know how to sell, you are a master? -- BTC disk analysis on October 3 (Kunpeng) Last night's video analysis clearly informed that the market will be expected to correct if the market surges again. This surge can reduce positions and realize short-term profits. The community basically left most of the profits at the highest point at 22:00 last night, and Cake also bucked the trend and successfully stopped profits. This is not a prediction, but a prediction based on the current trend. The junior brother who knows how to buy, the master who knows how to sell, and the one who knows how to escape is the ancestor. The essence of trading is to make money, not to recharge your faith. If you have always had subjective thoughts about this market, and if you still rely on which teacher can replenish your faith and accuracy of predictions to do transactions, eventually this market will surprise you every minute, and you will find that after one operation, You haven’t made a penny, look at your wallet and see if it looks like this? Short-term profits are definitely not profits, long-term and stable compound interest is the key to trading! Returning to the trend, it is obvious that the retracement of Ethereum, the big pie, has broken through this morning. At present, it has opened at the 4-hour level. Whether it is possible to make the second sell on the daily line proposed in yesterday's video analysis, and whether the daily line can be ended, we will wait until the four-hour level is completed. Spot goods are no longer in operation here. Wait patiently for notification of instructions in the group!