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There are a few common mistakes in trading that you must remember! Fantasy of bulls and bears (long and short), fear of being short; I have been thinking about the issue of retracement and shortfall. Facts have proved that retracement is an issue that everyone who trades must pay attention to. Only by lowering their own expectations can they continue. Don’t be afraid of missing the mark. Black swans or takeoffs are good opportunities to get on the bus. You have plenty of time to get on the bus; You must hold on to profits and principal at all times, and remember to keep in mind the emotions of your boss and encourage each other. $BTC $ETH $APE #DeFiChallenge #DeFiMeme

There are a few common mistakes in trading that you must remember!

Fantasy of bulls and bears (long and short), fear of being short;

I have been thinking about the issue of retracement and shortfall. Facts have proved that retracement is an issue that everyone who trades must pay attention to. Only by lowering their own expectations can they continue.

Don’t be afraid of missing the mark. Black swans or takeoffs are good opportunities to get on the bus. You have plenty of time to get on the bus;

You must hold on to profits and principal at all times, and remember to keep in mind the emotions of your boss and encourage each other.

$BTC $ETH $APE #DeFiChallenge #DeFiMeme

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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山寨币重大更新仅供参考:2024/5/12 体育币欧洲杯龙头CHZ:支撑0.113、极限支撑0.091,上涨最大压力0.15U。 AI超级人工智能FET:支撑2U,上涨最大压力2.4U(趋势线一直压制没上去,上去后才能暴涨)。 铭文龙头ORDI:极限支撑32.88U(上次抄底是31U极限),上涨最大压力38.1U。 现阶段土狗第一公链SOL:极限支撑128.2U,上涨最大压力155.6U。 最强势土狗PEPE:上升趋势线支撑0.00000775U,上涨最大压力0.0000097U。 散户最多的土狗WIF:上升趋势线支撑2.55U,上涨最大压力3.5U。 散户更多的土狗BOME:上升趋势线支撑0.0092U,上涨终极压力0.017U。 第一平台币BNB:上升趋势线支撑557U,上涨终极压力640U。 最垃圾的天亡级FIL:极限支撑3.81U,好像涨起来挺费劲了。 割韭菜妖币TRB:上涨最大压力165U,支撑一直在变,因为他一次像样的回调都没有,根据历史经验,涨是一直涨,跌也是一直跌。 人工智能黑马WLD:趋势线支撑5.2U,上涨最大压力8.3U。这个币我们1U的时候就买过。 附:支撑指的就是多头集中进入的最佳点位是潜在的反转区域,压力就是大家都想在这个位置卖掉的区域。相反,如果一旦突破了上涨的最大压力,将会螺旋上升,插针不算一定要日线收盘价高于压力位并继续突破新高才算。 仓位管理:不可能所有的币都买一币,牛市长期持有最多4个,熊市囤币除了必要的BTC、ETH外,额外也最多2个龙头山寨,你买的十几个太多了没必要。#山寨币热点

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