FUD was prevalent on Saturday. The argument of comparing Bitcoin with the US stock market in the past decade was absurd, but it attracted many people to have fun. It was really limited in vision. I had already warned of the risk of Ethereum flash crash. After market verification, oversold rebound became the norm. However, FUD re-emerged on weekends, focusing on the leading staking coins was redundant. Fidelity clearly stated that Ethereum ETF staking is coming, so what is there to fear? The soaring value of stablecoins has added vitality to the market.

I am always cautious about leverage games, especially high leverage. In the current market, a slight drop in the big cake will clear tens of millions of US dollars of leverage, which shows how great the risk is. Among the survivors, there are many people who are entangled in FUD, and market education has a long way to go. @初晓123 who likes to hoard spot goods

Again, the next 🍜 picture 🈶 wealth code #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #新币挖矿TON #美国7月PPI低于预期 #WBTC #Ripple于诉讼中取得部分胜利