Entrepreneur, Wang Shi said, my first pot of gold was not from building and selling houses, but from dealing in chicken feed, I made 300,000 in one year, 300,000 in those days, I was very proud, but I didn't expect that it would be a Waterloo.
Wang Shi said, the feed was sold to Hong Kong, and they said it contained fat chicken balls and hormones. I lost 300,000 and still owed 400,000. To be honest, this is bankruptcy, insolvency, what should I do? I thought about it for half the night, and went to Dalian Port to find corn.
Wang Shi said, if there is no money to pay, I will write an IOU, and people can't sell it, which is also a headache, so I was asked to ship it to Hong Kong. At this time, the rumors were clarified, chicken farming developed again, and there was a shortage of corn, so I made a lot of money. #BTC