Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Urges Investors to Buy Bitcoin: What's Behind His Bold Prediction?

Renowned author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad," Robert Kiyosaki, has issued a compelling call to all investors: buy gold, silver, and Bitcoin before the stock market, bonds, and real estate crumble, prompting a rush to acquire these three assets.

"Rich Dad Poor Dad," co-authored by Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter in 1997, has consistently held a spot on the New York Times Bestseller List for over six years, with over 32 million copies sold to date.

Kiyosaki frequently addresses inquiries on the future prices of gold, silver, and Bitcoin in the year 2025 through his social media platform, X. His response? "My answer is that it's a foolish question. What's more important is how much gold, silver, and Bitcoin you own today," as quoted from on Tuesday, September 26, 2023.

Kiyosaki's Bitcoin Price Predictions:

Back in February, Kiyosaki predicted that Bitcoin's price would soar to $500,000, with silver reaching $500.

In August, he confidently stated that Bitcoin would rise to $1 million, while gold would surge to $75,000, and silver to $60,000 if the global economy took a nosedive.

Kiyosaki has also issued warnings of a major impending crisis and the possibility of an unavoidable depression. Earlier this month, he forecasted that Airbnb would lead the downfall of the real estate market.

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