You might think you don't matter.

The truth is that you matter, the reason it does appear you don't matter is because there exist no problem you're solving for anyone.

The day you start solving people's problems, you will be sort after.

This is not to make light of human existence, however, nobody is regarded for being humans, you contributed nothing to be born a human, there exist over 8 billion of humans on earth.

People regard you for the contribution you bring into their lives.

You're placed worth based on the solution you bring.

If you want to be regarded highly, then find problems that not so many people have solutions to, build the capacity and competence to solve it.

Your worth will skyrocket.

This is not about MONEY.

It's the fact it's your design by God to solve problems.

Your importance is tied to it.

Your relevance is directly proportional to it.

Your respect is directly proportional to it.

But first, you don't jump life, you take a step further.

Strive to first conquer hunger, next is to grow beyond survival, next is to step into impact.

If you're young, go for knowledge, hit the gym, develop skills, network with people higher than you are, find an industry to build competence around, stay on it till it start paying.

To be honest, it's not easy to climb the ladder of success especially when you're at the very bottom, but nothing in life is ever easy.

You must learn to keep up regardless.

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