Binance founder CZ will return soon. The Binance series and education series sectors that have been silent for half a year are expected to explode again. There is no need to say more about the Binance series of currencies. CZ's return will definitely regroup, among which BNB and CAKE can be paid special attention to
CZ has always had extremely high expectations for the education sector. This time, you can focus on the education series of currencies, pay attention to the recent market conditions and fundamental news of HOOK and EDU, and don't miss the opportunity for short-term explosion
BNB, Binance platform currency, needless to say, mainstream currency
CAKE, Binance Smart Chain official SWAP platform currency, destruction is ongoing, and subsequent expectations are also relatively good
HOOK, the leading currency in the education series, has reached a low level and has a high rebound possibility, so you can focus on it
EDU, a high-quality currency in the education series, has reached the bottom range, so you can focus on it