The collapse of the value of NFTs and the comment of the CEO of SuperRare

The market value of many NFTs has literally plummeted from the peaks of 2021/2022, but the CEO of SuperRare is not having it.

Recently John Crain lashed out against an article that declared NFTs dead, even though it said they are completely changing.

Are NFTs dead?

The main collapse was experienced by NFTs related to the art market, and in particular image files.

At the peak, the NFT market had reached almost 200,000 tokens traded per day, with a total daily value of over 191 million dollars.

Since then there has been a slow decline that has almost caused the artistic NFT market to implode, with drops of over 90%.

For this type of digital content, a market recovery is not being observed, so it is difficult to imagine that for art-related NFTs there could be a significant recovery in the short term.

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