To sum up: when opening an order, you must choose the method of trial position + additional position to open an order.

For example, if you plan to go long for 50,000 yuan, you should open 10% or 20% first. In fact, this is already a very heavy position. If it is currency-based, using 20% ​​of the margin will already be a 300% position initially. It is recommended that you choose 10% at the beginning. Margin opening;

If the market rises and meets your expectations, you can open a position and add more. If you are wrong and stop the loss, you will only lose 5% at a time.

Why do so many people make one mistake and lose everything? If you open an order with a full position leverage of five times, ten times, or 20 times, you will lose money if you make one mistake. Even if you are right, you will be wrong next time, and the next time, and it doesn’t matter how many times you have faced it before.

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