Officially done with all the lead traders here! 95% are all scams including the whole copy trader system itself. They all make initial good profits, until finally almost 99% of them, end up liquidating us. No stop losses or proper risk management on behalf of the copiers. They at will add and remove margin to protect their portfolio, or their capital, while we are left hanging and end up getting liquidated. All bs is written on the bios, saying they're experienced traders or care about "our capital". They really don't, its all bs! If they really did, you wouldn't see so many lead traders getting liquidated so often and seeing closed portfolios on their profile. There would be excellent risk management as the first priority. They only really care about their own profit, and when our funds get liquidated, the exchange always wins.
Even if it would take an year for everyone unable to trade by themselves yet, I'm telling you take all the time and get there by yourself, the time and effort will be worth it as your funds would remain for the long run, but it would never make it with any of these lead traders. Truly disappointing to see what a fake world and selfish era we live in.