Let me share my current financial situation:


house, sold;

car, sold;

Equity Securities, None;

Two companies under his name: suspended and heavily in debt;

Cash balance: RMB 2 yuan, foreign currency 80 yuan;

Bank card balance: 93 yuan;

Total assets: 181 yuan.


Relatives and friends: 15.8 million yuan;

Bank and credit card: 1.35 million yuan;

Liabilities of the company in his name: 7.5 million yuan;

Total liabilities: 24.65 million yuan.

In a few days, it will be my 38th birthday.

38 years old, the golden age of men. In my vision ten years ago, at this age, I should have a successful career, a loving wife and young children, parents who are comfortable and comfortable, financial freedom, and friends all over the world.

In fact, what I envisioned a year ago has actually come true.

It's a pity that I can't see the disaster hiding under the sun.

I failed to withstand the temptation of the devil. This year, I was led into hell by him and walked away for a day. After squeezing my bones and sucking my blood, I was thrown out like a rag.

Seeing this, you also understand that this is a gambler's story.

Yes, I want to write down my gambling experiences in the past year. I have no intention of boasting about my experiences. In fact, it will be very painful to write about these experiences, because in the process of writing, I must re-experience the past sinking, low self-esteem and despair; especially when I see that I was so miserable in the past. Having such a happy life makes me regretful.

The purpose of writing down my experience today is to alert those who are deeply involved in the temptation of gambling. Those who are complacent because they have made small wins; or are anxious and panicked because they have lost all their family savings; or are just trying to get some money back. And gamblers who go around borrowing money, embezzling public funds, and deceiving their friends.

No matter whether you are richer than me, have more bets, and the stakes are bigger; or you have small bets and think you can control yourself;

Or you think you are smarter, more calculating, or more tenacious than others;

I will use my painful experience to advise you, stop it! You are bound to lose. Because sitting across from you, the person betting against you is not the casino, the banker, or yourself, but the devil!

In 2016, I experienced the ocean of "Casino is Not Paradise", and now I have entered the casino of the currency circle again!#对赌 #庄家思维 #BTC走势分析 #技术学习 #ETF✅