Over the past month, TON price movement has undergone multiple shifts and has been influenced by various technical factors and market sentiments. We will summarize the findings reached by analyzing technical indicators and estimating sentiment related to the news.
1-General trend:
Technical indicators show a general neutral trend in TON price movement over the past month. No specific pattern has been identified in the MACD, RSI, EMA BREAK and BOLL indicators. This means that there is no strong upward or downward trend in the market.
2- Distribution of main owners:
According to the data, the distribution ratio between long and short investors of TON is 0.1:1. This indicates that major holders of the coin have more long positions than short ones. This could be a positive factor indicating that investors are optimistic about the future developments of TON.
3-Current funding rate:
The current funding rate for TON is -0.00043591. This rate indicates the strength of the short side in perpetual contracts. This could be a negative factor affecting TON’s performance in the near term.
4-Current support and resistance levels:
The latest support price for TON according to the BOLL indicator is $5.1526, while the latest resistance price is $7.2211. These levels should be important to follow the price action and make trading decisions.
5-Current market sentiments:
TON's current market sentiment index is 20, according to the news sentiment gauge. This level is considered the "extreme fear" level. This could be a negative factor indicating a general lack of confidence in the TON market.
Based on the above results, it can be concluded that the price movement of TON over the past month has been unclear and volatile. Investors are advised to carefully monitor technical trends, support and resistance levels, and take market sentiment into account to make informed investment decisions.