Many people are looking for suitable currencies to buy at the bottom when the market plummets. The following suggestions can help you make a wiser choice:

Avoid old currencies and long-term depressed currencies: These currencies tend to perform weakly when they rebound. A better strategy is to first choose some strong currencies, and after they rise, gradually exit some positions, and then turn funds to those weaker currencies to obtain greater returns.

Choices for small capital investors: For investors with limited funds, it is not recommended to choose currencies with too high market value because they are less cost-effective. Currencies other than Bitcoin and Ethereum may provide better opportunities.

Seize the opportunity of "the strong will always be strong": The characteristic of this round of bull market is that the strong will always be strong. The strongest sector is not artificial intelligence, decentralized finance, or Bitcoin, but "MEME and SOL sectors".

When buying at the bottom, paying attention to these sectors may bring greater opportunities.

In short, when buying at the bottom, you need to pay close attention to market trends and adjust your investment strategy in time according to actual conditions to increase the probability of profit.