The world’s first immersive drama, Decode: Legacy, produced by HashKey Capital, will open on September 17 at the historic Raffles Hotel in Singapore. This unique live experience will take audiences into the 16-year development of the crypto industry, from the birth of Bitcoin to the approval of ETFs, and unfold an interactive mystery thriller through the plot line of the “Treasure of Satoshi Nakamoto”.

As a leading global crypto asset management institution, HashKey Capital is known for its innovative investment philosophy and forward-looking. In this market fluctuation, they restored the spirit and essence of crypto through the collision of drama art and crypto culture, and brought a subversive Web3 experience to non-circle audiences.

This invitation-only drama experience will attract project founders and KOLs from multiple ecosystems such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana and TON, and provide participants with a high-energy deep social field. Carefully created by the production team of the interactive experience of Netflix’s “Knives Out 2” premiere, attendees will embark on a treasure hunt to return to the starting point of the crypto world and defend the “Treasure of Satoshi Nakamoto”. Through a combination of real industry events and fictional character plots, attendees will be guided through crypto knowledge, discovering interactive puzzles and clues within the hotel, and uncovering the secrets of "Satoshi Nakamoto".

The HashKey Capital team said that all proceeds from "Decode: Legacy" will be donated to charities in Singapore, reflecting the company's commitment to corporate social responsibility. The event is supported by a number of Asian crypto media, including CoinTelegraph, PANews, Foresight News, Coinpost, CoinNess, Blockmedia, Coin98, Cryptomind, Bitcoin Addict, Coindesk Indonesia, Coinvestasi, ODaily, BlockBeats, ChainCatcher, MetaEra, Techub News and TechFlow.

"Decode: Legacy" is not only a night of crypto drama, but also an adventure that integrates finance, technology and narrative. Don't miss this opportunity to witness history and join us to explore the secrets of "Satoshi Nakamoto" in an unprecedented way.