Trading Memecoins Is Very Stressful and Doesn't Seem Like an Investment🥴😑


Investing should be boring with a long term goal. When investing in something, you shouldn't constantly be checking how much you made or lost. Memecoins are very volatile and their token prices can change dramatically in a single day. This makes many investors check the price every time they can. The stress of losing your initial investment or the profit you made can lead you to trade with your emotions.

Investing in an asset is believing it will become more valuable sometime in the future. Usually, you don't worry much about the short-term price fluctuation of the assets. When you think long term, you spend more of your time reading more about assets you invested in and want to keep up with any updates. You are then more motivated to buy more when the price goes down, maximizing your profits over time.

Memecoins trading won't teach you these skills. Instead, you will be more focused on what is trending on social media and assets that will likely go down or rug pull. If you are lucky enough to make profits in a meme coin, you are more likely to put that profit into another meme coin that could go down. You ask yourself why? I think this is because memecoin investment looks like playing the lottery. Have you ever wondered why most lottery winners become broke after winning millions? Making money requires many valuable skills that have to be learned. Investing and patience are some of those skills.