A bull market is a stage of the market in which there is almost recoilless growth, this is a time when almost everyone who enters the market at the beginning of this stage and buys at least something more or less normal makes a profit immediately, provided that they are not greedy and provided that it is real the beginning of the bull and not its end, because otherwise there is a chance to observe a minus in your portfolio for a long time. A bull market is a time when almost all market participants are making at least a little money in the moment.

A bear market is the complete opposite, a stage of the market in which everything globally is going down, prices are falling, the portfolios of those who bought at the highs of the bull market are constantly red - fear appears, psychological pressure appears and all mistakes come out. Medvezhka tests market participants by throwing out of the market extra passengers, emotional participants, “professional” traders and other individuals who believed in themselves in a bull market and decided that they are experts. There are 2 categories of people in a Bear Market:

1 - those losing deposits of such 90% are either new participants who flew into the bear, thought that the stories of the “teachers” who managed to make money on the bull were true, they bought and on the first or second fall or rollback they lost it to the minus in order to buy back (this is always a brilliant solution 😀 ) then they bought it again at a small increase (because we are already flying to the moon) then they drained it again and so on until by the end the bears were left with zero.

2 - earning a fortune from such 10% People who studied the market, mastered their psychology, did not twitch, stuck to the plan, for some time put up with drawdowns (which are commonplace in a Bear market) people who understood the very meaning of the fact that a bear market is a fundamental stage in which needs to analyze, make decisions, accumulate, and not give in to the crowd that constantly shouts “the drain will fall”, “buy the moon tomorrow”, provoking rash actions that lead to a minus.

Everyone who entered the world of crypto in 2022 after the global fall is already fabulously lucky because, even if they bought what seems to them at inflated prices relative to today’s prices, they are in the black compared to everyone who bought at the highs of the bull market, and these are the majority.

In order to emerge victorious from the Bear Market, it is very important to adhere to the rules, control emotions, constantly work on analytics, distribute finances correctly, study risk management, money management and diversification, gain a position no matter what and not give in to emotions.

If at this stage you managed to put together a good portfolio (even if it is now in a drawdown), the simplest thing left is to wait for the market reversal, which will begin relatively soon after the final downturn (or without it).

Everyone who follows me knows that now in the market it is necessary to be 50-65% of the deposit and 50-35% in the stable in order to buy more when the final spill occurs and if this does not happen (unlikely) to observe the profit.

Money is made from a bull, fortunes are made from a bear.