I will continue to create small games and small rewards that are motivating and fun to reduce boredom in the current market period.
Specifically, this game only lasts 1 month. The way to play is to predict whether the August candle close $BTC will be green or red and predict the price when #BTC closes the August candle and BTC when the July candle closes is $64628, then if the August candle closes below $64628 it will be a red candle. and if the August candle closes above $64628, it will be a green candle.
For example:
- If you predict that BTC closes the August candlestick, it will be a red candlestick, then leave a comment: Red 64321$
- If you predict that BTC will close the August candlestick as a green candlestick, then leave a comment: Green 65123$
A motivating and fun reward worth $10 during a boring market period will be given to the person who correctly predicts the color of the August closing candle and predicts a price close to the BTC price when the August candle closes. .
Wish you luck 💚
Note: The game is free for mental encouragement and fun, there is no fraudulent purpose, rewards will definitely be given to the winner. #Write2Win #hotTrends