Telegram founder Pavel Durov said that thanks to sperm donation he became the biological father of more than 100 children. He first became a donor 15 years ago at the request of a friend who could not conceive a child with his wife, and by 2024 his biological material had helped more than 100 couples from 12 countries have children.
The beginning of the path of donation
The story of Durov's donation began 15 years ago, when his close friend was faced with the problem of infertility. Looking for a solution, a friend asked Pavel to become a sperm donor. Durov, wanting to help, agreed, which was the beginning of his unusual path. Since then, his donation has been used by more than 100 couples around the world, helping them realize their dream of parenthood.
Impact and scope
Over the years of donation, Durov became the biological father of children in 12 countries. This unique and significant achievement highlights not only his desire to help people, but also the ability of modern medicine and technology to connect the lives of people around the world.
Open Source DNA
Pavel Durov plans to go even further, intending to open the source code of his DNA. He explains this desire as a desire to make it easier for his biological children to find each other. It's a decision he believes could help many families better understand their roots and find new connections.
“Now I plan to open the source code of my DNA so that it will be easier for my biological children to find each other. Of course, there are risks, but I do not regret becoming a donor,”
- said Durov.
Ethical Issues and Risks
The discovery of DNA raises certain ethical questions and risks. It is important to understand that such steps can have both positive and negative consequences. On the one hand, it can help children find their biological relatives and better understand their genetic heritage. On the other hand, this can lead to unpredictable consequences in the social and personal spheres.
Personal choice and responsibility
Pavel Durov is aware of the possible risks and responsibilities associated with his decision. However, he believes that his actions have and continue to benefit many people. For him, donating sperm was not just an act of helping a friend, but also a way to change the lives of countless families around the world.
Pavel Durov's story, as a sperm donor and biological father of more than 100 children, is a unique example of how one person can impact many lives. His plan to open source his DNA underscores his passion for innovation and willingness to take risks for the future. This story is a reminder that technology and medicine can connect lives and create new opportunities for families around the world.
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