🚀 Top 10 Bitcoin Facts:
1. First crypto (2009) - Bitcoin pioneered decentralized digital currency, introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto.
2. Max supply: 21M - Bitcoin has a finite supply of 21 million coins, ensuring it remains deflationary.
3. Bitcoin Pizza Day (2010) - The first real-world transaction was for 2 pizzas, costing 10,000 BTC, celebrated annually.
4. Decentralized - Operates on a peer-to-peer network without a central authority.
5. Blockchain ledger - Transactions are recorded on a public ledger, ensuring transparency and security.
6. Halving every 4 yrs - Mining rewards are halved every four years, reducing the rate of new BTC creation.
7. Genesis Block (2009) - The first block of Bitcoin, mined by Satoshi, marks the beginning of the blockchain.
8. Pseudonymous transactions - User identities are not directly tied to Bitcoin addresses, offering privacy.
9. Bitcoin ATMs globally - Thousands of ATMs worldwide allow buying and selling BTC with cash.
10. Market influencer - Bitcoin's price often impacts the entire cryptocurrency market, acting as a key indicator of trends.
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