
We have experienced several dishwashing first-time.

DOGE: Doge coin was born in 2013, and the currency price is in an extremely low state all year round. Even the founder has been liquidated and run away.

After N years of dishwashing, no one is optimistic about the project.

In 2021, it suddenly became popular, and the number of orders increased by more than 700 times after several times, and countless people regretted it.

ETC: Since the registration of the three major offices in 2017, etc has been tepdewarm. In 2017, the bull market only rose to 47 dollars, and then the price continued to be sluggish, maintaining at 3-5 dollars all year round, making everyone despair again and again, and finally leaving the market.

As a result, in 2021, etc suddenly broke out and directly pulled 180 dollars, and all the friends who cut the meat regretted it.

LTC: Before 2017, LTC had been maintained at around 3-5 dollars. Everyone also felt that this copycat coin was not outstanding. It was more practical to buy Bitcoin if money. As a result, it was such an inconspicuous copycat coin. With the advantages of trading in the three major places, it directly rose to 370 dollars, and the annual increase reached One hundred times.

The next one will be $G.