We're not going to lie to each other. Who has never thought of making a fortune quickly thanks to futures?

It seems so simple. A good leverage, a short or a long which follows the evolution of the market and presto, here we are with an increase of 20.30, 50% of the initial stake.

Yes, yes, it works...sometimes!!

Always keep in mind that 90% of "futures" portfolios lose 92% of their value in the 5 months following their creation...

There are 2 very very simple reasons for this:

👉 too much leverage

👉 non-use of Stop Loss

When you're new to Futures, follow these simple tips:

👉 start with a value of $100. Certainly, you will not buy a yacht within 6 months but this will allow you to familiarize yourself with these particular contracts. If after 3 months, you have earned money, you can think about investing a little more but without going crazy either.

👉 Set a Stop Loss each time. ALWAYS!!! Not using it is the mistake made that can make you lose everything. It's human to invest money to win...not to lose. But it is by learning to lose that you will gain some.

👉 Use X5 leverage at the start. No more in the first months.

I will come back in more detail on the strategy to adopt in a future post.

Futures require humility and good stress management. So that this stress does not turn into fear and a nightmare, follow these tips carefully.

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