A new chapter in the copycat bull market: Bands are king, steady wins

Alarm bells are ringing! In this round of bull market, the carnival of copycat coins may become a thing of the past. Don't fantasize about getting rich overnight, band operation is the hard truth. Why do you assert so? First, there is an overabundance of chips, and project parties, VCs, and market makers hold a large number of chips. No one is in a hurry to sell them, and the battle for chips has become history. This means that the pull-up effect has weakened, and the hand-changing drama of calling each other stupid is difficult to reproduce.

Second, the market is more professional, and traditional market makers and quantitative institutions have entered the market, and the market depth and complexity have doubled. Retail friends, are you ready? This is no longer a simple buy-and-hold game, but requires superb trading skills and keen market insight. Band operation has become the only way out.

Remember, there will be no more jaw-dropping 100-fold increases in this round of copycat bull market. But don't worry, emerging fields such as local dogs and memes are waiting for brave explorers. As long as you start early and work hard, you can find your own treasure in this blue ocean. Don't be obsessed with the past glory, grasp the present, the band is king, and win steadily! $ORDI



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