The number of active users of instant messaging app Telegram has reached 950 million, and founder Pavel Durov said the company plans to break the 1 billion mark this year. At the same time, Telegram also plans to launch an app store and an in-app browser that supports web3 pages to promote the widespread adoption of technology. In addition, while Telegram has made progress in supporting cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, it also faces challenges related to fraud and user security.

Key points

- Telegram has reached 950 million active users and is expected to exceed 1 billion by the end of the year.

- The company plans to launch an app store and an in-app browser that supports web3 pages this month.

- Telegram has exceeded 900 million users in March 2023 and hopes to become profitable in the future.

- Telegram is accelerating the adoption of web3 technology on its platform, while also supporting cryptocurrency and blockchain projects.

- The company recently began sharing advertising revenue with channel owners, distributing TON coins as compensation.

- Telegram is committed to reducing the risk of fraud faced by users and plans to display information about the registration time and major countries of public accounts.

- Telegram is helping developers build mini-apps and games that use cryptocurrencies to advance its ecosystem.