🚨Reminder: Only 4 Days Left for SNIFT 🚨
Don't miss out on this incredible free opportunity powered by Binance
Project StarryNift has launched its integrated launchpad NFT on Binance Wallet Web3, distributing $1,250,000 at launch
🚨 To participate:
⚫ Access from your wallet: Look for the Binance ad about StarryNift and enter from there on web 3 wallet
⚫you have to provide a referral code first it will be a good gesture if you will add mine as I am the one giving you the info
☢️(referral code: tPoef0n0g1 to enjoy more benefits) you can get an extra 5 points if you are lucky ☢️
⚫ Twitter task: Provide your username under the Twitter link after following the mentioned accounts on X
⚫Mint citizenship card: just click on the mint they will cut a gas fees of merely .02 dollars
⚫vote for Binance web 3 wallet AI bot: just click on the vote button ( gas fee will be deducted of particularly same amount mentioned above)
⚫ Mint an exclusive SBT badge: steps are same as of mint citizenship card but you have to check on MCC before this one
( The gas fee should be in bnb and opbnb in the web 3 wallet ,you can watch the process online both should have 3$ each , gas fee of almost 0.5$ will be deducted during the whole process )
📢 Note: I will suggest Airdrop farming for those who ain't making profits or doing anything else you can easily get 20$-30$ before the listing of respective coin , if you are lucky then these rewards can be in 100 dollars.
This ain't a scam because it is backed by binance
Don't miss your chance to be part of this exciting launch and potentially earn big rewards