#以太坊ETF批准预期 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
When trading in cryptocurrencies, you must seek progress in a steady manner. First, you must protect your principal and then try to make money step by step. You must not be impatient. When you make a profit or a big profit, you must reduce your position in time and gradually to open up the cost line. If you lose money, you can take a small loss instead of a big loss.
Treat trading in cryptocurrencies as a business and a company, not as a gamble. Every time you make a move, you must consider whether you can maintain it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
You must discuss and communicate with people who have really been trading cryptocurrencies for a long time and have achieved results.
Learn their methods.
Observe their operations.
Imitate them.
Become them.