Telegram hosts around 40,000 trading channels, with 10,000 to 12,000 focused on trading. Alarmingly, about 95% of these are run by scammers who follow a typical pattern:
1. **Inexperienced Beginnings**: They start trading without experience, leading to significant losses.
2. **Launching Deceptive Channels**: To recoup losses, they create their own trading channels to deceive others.
3. **Signal Plagiarism**: They copy trading signals from other channels, often from fellow scammers, and post 8 to 10 signals daily.
4. **Red Flags**: Legitimate traders usually manage only 2 or 3 trades at a time due to the need for careful oversight.
5. **Fabricating Success**: They only highlight the 2 out of 10 trades that are successful, hiding failures to create a false impression of success.
6. **High Fees**: They charge steep upfront fees, knowing disillusioned users won't return.
7. **Lack of Transparency**: They avoid providing trade screenshots or trial periods for VIP services to prevent exposure.
8. **High-Risk Trades**: Trades with risks exceeding 6-7% indicate their inexperience and recklessness.
**How to Spot These Scams:**
- Beware of channels with numerous simultaneous trades.
- Watch out for high fees without trial options.
- Be cautious of traders who refuse to show their trade history.
My investigation aims to expose these scams and protect unsuspecting individuals. Stay tuned for more updates.
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