Original title: CWG Quarterly Report #1
Original author: Slorg
Original source: jupresear
Compiled by: Mars Finance, Eason
As promised after the initial CWG budget proposal was passed, one of the provisions we will comply with is to publish a quarterly report as a summary update of all the work we have done in the past 3 months.
This will serve as a community touchpoint and provide an appropriate orientation opportunity for the working group to address what work is ongoing and where to go next.
Ideally, this will become the standard for all working groups going forward and provide them with benefits while also giving them an opportunity for reflection.
This initial quarterly report contains 4 sections:
Vision of the DAO and CWG
What we have accomplished in the past 3 months
What we plan to accomplish in the next 3 months
Any changes to the team structure
We will talk about two things here: the vision of the DAO and the vision of the CWG.
In theory, the purpose of the DAO is to “scale Jupiverse and Solana by funding working groups, issuing grants, and approving LFG candidates.” This is the initial purpose of the DAO, and it will expand over time.
However, based on our experience, we can more clearly state that the purpose of the DAO is to empower active Catdets with the necessary resources to align with the Jupiverse.
What does this look like in practice?
Let’s say you want to start a podcast on behalf of Jupiter. Over time, your audience will grow and you’ll have a bigger and bigger platform to spread the word about Jupiter-related topics, publish content, and most importantly, spread its essential spirit.
This will be a key focus over the next 3 months as we roll out our grant system and are able to be more flexible in funding ambitious cat foundations.
On the other hand, our vision for the CWG is simple, yet very rich:
We see the CWG as an important thread connecting the various groups within Jupiverse: catdets, teams, moderators, and other working groups.
Each of these groups has different needs, desires, goals, and abilities—but all play a vital role in the composition of the whole.
How do we ensure that these groups are properly coordinated, have access to the resources they need, and have a full and deep understanding of each other’s needs?
This is one of the main goals that the CWG will address and is key to the survival and development of the DAO.
First 3 months:
Over the past three months, we have made progress in various areas, including:
Renaissance of Strict List: One of the core issues that the CWG initially faced was handling the Jupiter Strict List. It is a verified token listing that was previously done through a PR process. When the CWG took it over from the team, the token season had just begun and it took up a lot of bandwidth from Jupiter BD team members like Mei and Soju. Over the course of the last 3 months, we have processed thousands of PR requests and inquiries within the token listing channel. Not only that, but we also found a developer to help completely revamp the process so that it is now done through a website posting token addresses instead of a complex and time-consuming PR process. What once took hours of labor per day now takes less than 10 minutes. You can check it out here: https://catdetlist.jup.ag/ 43
So far, we have held and managed 3 LFG rounds. The winners were Zeus, Sharky, Uprock, Sanctum, and DeBridge. We held important feedback sessions with the community for each round, and iterated the process each time through clear all-hands meetings and forum posts. You can find a summary of these changes here: LFG Review and Feedback (changelog). There will be more LFG rounds in the future, but by July, the LFG process will have been partially improved, which should be very exciting.
Growth of DAO Twitter: One of the most important things was to find a way to communicate with the DAO and the greater Solana space without relying solely on the team or forcing them to conform to our messaging style. The solution we found was a dedicated DAO Twitter, which has grown to become the third most influential Jupiter-related Twitter in addition to Meow and the main Jupiter account. At the time of writing, it has attracted nearly 18,000 followers in 7 weeks, and considering that posts regularly get between 200 and 1100 likes, we are inclined to believe that most of this is organic. In terms of its size, it is one of the most powerful and influential Twitter accounts that Kemo or Slorg have personally seen, and we believe this will become one of our most important DAO assets in the next 3-6 months. Because once it reaches the 50-70k range organically, it can effectively reach almost everyone in the Solana ecosystem. We have been leveraging DAO Twitter to make important news, announcements, and to help expand other working groups. We also use it to publish additional insights not available in the main Jupiter account, such as specific ASR data breakdowns. We will continue with this strategy for now, as it seems to be a good response from the DAO.
Communications Assistance: We have deployed a significant amount of labor to help build out the communications network within the Jupiter DAO. This includes the development of the JUP_DAO Twitter account mentioned above, but also includes the establishment of the Wg-Announcements channel within Discord, weekly CWG office hours as a key community touchpoint, establishing and hosting weekly internal working group calls involving all working groups, and regularly assisting with team messaging. Also falling into this category is the regular creation and participation in important town hall meetings, including but not limited to: voting town hall meetings, weekly CWG office hours, and recaps of DAO and team achievements and large updates.
Managing the Review Team: Another initial task given to the CWG by the team was to take over the responsibilities of the Review Team. This included issuing guidance to them on internal Discord matters as well as the forums.
Speaking Engagements: c2yptic regularly speaks and speaks on behalf of Jupiter DAO at various events, including Solana Crossroads and Solana Summit. We also piloted an event sponsorship at Crossroads, which included designing and using the Jup DAO branding on coffee mugs.
Jup DAO Branding: Kemo went to great lengths to distill the complexity of the Jupiter brand guidelines, create the new DAO logo, and make everything very easy to understand and use on this easy to use website. Additionally, multiple workshops have been held to date on how to properly use these brand guidelines, both introductory workshops and figma specific workshops. More of these workshops will be held over time, as well as written guidelines. You can find the DAO brand guidelines here: Jupiter DAO Media Kit | Jup.Eco 10
Jup.Eco Design: Additionally, Kemo assisted with the design and initial build of Jup.Eco for the pilot WWG (Web Working Group), taking care of the design and UI/UX, and provided a dozen live Webflow training sessions for the DAO.
Changes to the voting process: In every vote (not just LFG votes), the CWG will take the lead and help diagnose issues, obtain key feedback from the community, distill it into actionable steps, and communicate it to the teams to be implemented.
Next 3 months:
Over the next 3 months, we developed a series of goals that would be critical to maintaining the momentum of the DAO and help implement systems that would be critical to maintaining the momentum of the DAO in the coming years. These projects included:
Creation of a grant program: One of the core issues is the lack of flexibility of the working group model. It serves an important purpose, but there is a huge social component to it that goes beyond the work itself. Many people want to contribute to the DAO, but don’t want to go through an intensive, months-long process. Also, since opportunities only come up every 2-3 months, it means people have to wait a long time to be considered. Therefore, a grant system would create more touchpoints for people to participate in the DAO, contribute skills and further JUPs, and get compensated.
Continue to grow the JUP_DAO account: The Jupiter DAO Twitter is perhaps the most important DAO asset. Its influence is already having a significant impact in the Jupiverse due to its ability to be agile, clarify, and amplify without being dependent on the main Jupiter Twitter. Once the DAO account reaches 50k followers, it will likely be able to cover the vast majority of Solana and become one of the most powerful accounts in our ecosystem.
Further decentralize Strictlist and add more tags: strictlist is now managed by Mei, me, and a handful of catdets. It would be ideal to further decentralize it, in addition to adding more tags that cover a wider range of situations, to help get closer to the goal of finding a scalable way to validate and tokenize tokens
LFG revamp: There will be an announcement on this in the coming weeks, but the LFG system is going to get a partial revamp that we think a lot of people will be very happy with.
Recruiting new members: We currently have 2 consultants interested in being brought into the CWG. In addition, we will be interviewing one person next week for a more intensive field role and considering a few others. By the next quarterly report, the CWG will have grown in size.
Team Changes
There are currently 2 changes to the CWG structure that need to be reported.
Durden has decided to step down from his “part-time” role and move into an advisory role. Going forward, he will help us with strategy but will not have a strong on-the-ground role in the DAO. Additionally, due to a family emergency, c2yptic will be taking a part-time role over the next few months to take care of his family. We thank c2yptic for all he has done so far, and he will continue to assist with the following tasks:
Budget and multi-signature management
Help DAO process iteration
Manage host team
Join us in leading the funding system
and the launch of a DeFI education campaign.
in conclusion
Thank you for reading the first CWG Quarterly Report. If you have any comments on the structure of the report, please let us know below so that we can better help future working groups structure their reports.